Member Puzzle Records
39clues's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which 39clues has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] haha crash go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…
JDash55 YTBy: JDash55 YT102 played / 72 solved[Classic] s
finlirBy: finlir36 played / 29 solved[Classic] B-troubled 02 _ #Brain Nugget…
eliasBy: elias93 played / 70 solved[Classic] Self Doubt 01 _ #Brain Nugget…
eliasBy: elias93 played / 78 solved[Classic] B-troubled 01 _ #Brain Nugget…
eliasBy: elias83 played / 65 solved[Classic] Hurley Burley 01 - #Brain Nugg…
eliasBy: elias105 played / 86 solved[Classic] Warehouse #78
Warehouse86 played / 83 solved[Classic] Room #083
The TowerBy: Jeffrey128 played / 113 solved[Classic] Room #082
The TowerBy: Jeffrey159 played / 119 solved[Modern] Room #059
The TowerBy: Jeffrey183 played / 135 solved[Modern] Room #058
The TowerBy: Jeffrey152 played / 123 solved[Modern] Room #050
The TowerBy: Jeffrey178 played / 145 solved[Modern] Room #043
The TowerBy: Jeffrey159 played / 127 solved[Modern] Room #042
The TowerBy: Jeffrey185 played / 136 solved[Modern] Room #016
The TowerBy: Jeffrey257 played / 200 solved[Classic] Room #007
The TowerBy: Jeffrey349 played / 315 solved[Classic] Room #005
The TowerBy: Jeffrey272 played / 237 solved[Classic] Room #002
The TowerBy: Jeffrey259 played / 241 solved[Modern] Mega ice maze
Seecret4By: Seecret484 played / 41 solved[Modern] Easier ice maze
Seecret4By: Seecret4115 played / 57 solved[Modern] Leapfrog
SellymeBy: Sellyme102 played / 75 solved[Classic] 1 One Box Sokoban
ShulgothBy: Shulgoth108 played / 106 solved[Modern] SG
SildorianBy: Sildorian151 played / 127 solved[Modern] SG
SildorianBy: Sildorian105 played / 79 solved[Modern] Microban Variant
RookerBy: Rooker197 played / 138 solved[Classic] tribox #2
raynedropBy: raynedrop131 played / 98 solved[Classic] tribox #1
raynedropBy: raynedrop102 played / 85 solved[Modern] easy
saifBy: saif109 played / 90 solved[Modern] Fourth Puzzle
RoskoeBy: Roskoe54 played / 39 solved[Classic] back and forth
spaghettinoBy: spaghettino93 played / 73 solved