Member Puzzle Records
abelaceha's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which abelaceha has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Revenge XIII #47
Revenge XIII65 played / 37 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts V #596
Ionic Catalysts…28 played / 23 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XIX #225
Ionic Catalysts…31 played / 27 solved[Modern] Door
BananamanBy: Bananaman117 played / 70 solved[Classic] hjfjl
Pietown57By: Pietown57110 played / 79 solved[Modern] Chessperson 11
ChesspersonBy: Chessperson93 played / 87 solved[Modern] Tutorials-Wild-Cards and Holes
hova7070u8986By: hova7070u898685 played / 71 solved[Modern] Beginner Puzzle
IdiotBy: Idiot89 played / 65 solved[Modern] QWERTYUIOP (:
mrkinseyBy: mrkinsey94 played / 62 solved[Modern] Port
mrkinseyBy: mrkinsey150 played / 103 solved[Modern] 1 step
slothzBy: slothz193 played / 191 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts VI #918
Ionic Catalysts…34 played / 28 solved[Modern] 2 Step Challenge 3
EasyBy: Allpollo138 played / 135 solved[Classic] Sdfjl
ErSomethingBy: ErSomething107 played / 75 solved[Classic] Small Classic
BajoooofBy: Bajoooof109 played / 68 solved[Modern] Small 2
Pietown57By: Pietown5770 played / 49 solved[Modern] Forward
megawBy: megaw80 played / 61 solved[Modern] CB 5
CaptainBrightwe…By: CaptainBrightwell111 played / 65 solved[Modern] Small One
Pietown57By: Pietown5796 played / 67 solved[Modern] Modern #2
kuruluuBy: kuruluu169 played / 107 solved[Modern] What happens when you pust it…
OthersBy: Jonathan Handojo166 played / 106 solved[Modern] Tricks!!!!!!!
hova7070u8986By: hova7070u8986100 played / 70 solved[Modern] Modern #1
kuruluuBy: kuruluu144 played / 114 solved[Classic] CB 1
CaptainBrightwe…By: CaptainBrightwell99 played / 77 solved[Classic] back and forth
spaghettinoBy: spaghettino93 played / 73 solved[Modern] fun trick
tricksBy: hcthepro134 played / 85 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts VIII #2602
Ionic Catalysts…45 played / 38 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts VIII #2599
Ionic Catalysts…42 played / 36 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts VI #63
Ionic Catalysts…43 played / 40 solved[Modern] 3 Box Switch
Bad PuzzlesBy: Allpollo135 played / 104 solved