Member Puzzle Records
Alfogore's personal puzzle records with a bronze trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Alfogore has earned a bronze trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Special Level 3
Factory IBy: benjamin2160 played / 120 solved[Modern] Lesson #2-14
Lessons3,278 played / 2,795 solved[Classic] Test
Yittrium39By: Yittrium39300 played / 206 solved[Classic] No. 01-04
Boxxle1,025 played / 523 solved[Classic] No. 01-01
Boxxle3,314 played / 853 solved[Modern] Lesson #5-14
Lessons1,341 played / 983 solved[Modern] Lesson #5-11
Lessons1,323 played / 1,012 solved