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All of blockpusher50's Puzzles
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This is an overview of all puzzles built by blockpusher50.
[Modern] 18mindscrewfortwo
blockpusher50By: blockpusher5093 played / 37 solved[Modern] avenues20
blockpusher50By: blockpusher50116 played / 74 solved[Classic] corners23
blockpusher50By: blockpusher50145 played / 76 solved[Classic] crosshair24
blockpusher50By: blockpusher50154 played / 85 solved[Classic] diamond25
blockpusher50By: blockpusher50145 played / 81 solved[Modern] global19
blockpusher50By: blockpusher5092 played / 55 solved[Modern] match22
blockpusher50By: blockpusher5091 played / 32 solved[Modern] team21
blockpusher50By: blockpusher50153 played / 79 solved