Member Puzzle Records
bowo's personal puzzle records without a trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which bowo has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Dushi X #2
Dushi X33 played / 30 solved[Classic] Plus 2 #68
Plus 2130 played / 74 solved[Classic] L#g#h#r# #a#s#y
Omar554By: Omar554130 played / 83 solved[Classic] KK
Omar554By: Omar55476 played / 66 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular VI #788
Hyper Rectangul…21 played / 18 solved[Classic] Box Dude's Big Break 5
octavinationBy: octavination185 played / 119 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular VI #447
Hyper Rectangul…23 played / 18 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts VIII #1690
Ionic Catalysts…50 played / 39 solved[Classic] super classic
avitBy: avit57 played / 25 solved[Classic] neo classic
avitBy: avit71 played / 42 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular III #451
Hyper Rectangul…41 played / 34 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XX #7929
Ionic Catalysts…36 played / 30 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IX #628
Hyper Rectangul…21 played / 19 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts IX #1594
Ionic Catalysts…26 played / 26 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IX #361
Hyper Rectangul…16 played / 15 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #978
Hyper Rectangul…32 played / 30 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #976
Hyper Rectangul…45 played / 44 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #975
Hyper Rectangul…34 played / 31 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #974
Hyper Rectangul…31 played / 28 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #973
Hyper Rectangul…47 played / 43 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #972
Hyper Rectangul…33 played / 31 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #971
Hyper Rectangul…40 played / 34 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #970
Hyper Rectangul…37 played / 32 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #969
Hyper Rectangul…29 played / 27 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #968
Hyper Rectangul…37 played / 33 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #967
Hyper Rectangul…39 played / 35 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular #965
Hyper Rectangul…65 played / 61 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IX #931
Hyper Rectangul…20 played / 18 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IX #925
Hyper Rectangul…17 played / 17 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular VII #918
Hyper Rectangul…26 played / 24 solved