Member Puzzle Records
clockwork creeper's personal puzzle records with a silver trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which clockwork creeper has earned a silver trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] above
PGTBy: PGT104 played / 41 solved[Classic] Sokoban Fundamentals (Level 2)
ChibagBy: Chibag111 played / 97 solved[Modern] Lesson #3-6
Lessons2,949 played / 2,137 solved[Modern] Lesson #2-12
Lessons6,281 played / 5,077 solved[Classic] Level 7.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill112 played / 103 solved[Modern] Lesson #2-5
Lessons3,288 played / 2,376 solved[Modern] Lesson #2-2
Lessons3,195 played / 2,237 solved