Member Puzzle Records
davidspencer6174's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which davidspencer6174 has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Level 01
MiscellaneousBy: benjamin2208 played / 181 solved[Classic] Level 004
Never Ending Le…By: benjamin2342 played / 259 solved[Classic] Level 003
Never Ending Le…By: benjamin2329 played / 242 solved[Classic] Level 002
Never Ending Le…By: benjamin2285 played / 233 solved[Classic] Tower Box
BielzaBy: Bielza187 played / 147 solved[Classic] easy style,but need speed
BielzaBy: Bielza203 played / 165 solved[Classic] SF
bfhahaBy: bfhaha98 played / 69 solved[Modern] Tight Spot
bertBy: bert193 played / 104 solved[Classic] Middle Grounds
bertBy: bert161 played / 129 solved[Modern] meh
badassgamer2912…By: badassgamer2912398 played / 65 solved[Modern] Pushing Portals
BacksauceBy: Backsauce146 played / 111 solved[Classic] An Inside Job #14
Plan ABy: backhoes86 played / 66 solved[Classic] free style
avitBy: avit115 played / 106 solved[Classic] Classic Level 3
ArrQueBy: ArrQue193 played / 159 solved[Modern] EasyM6
iancs2028By: iancs2028131 played / 110 solved[Modern] EasyM5
iancs2028By: iancs2028135 played / 109 solved[Modern] EasyM2
iancs2028By: iancs2028187 played / 139 solved[Modern] EasyM1
iancs2028By: iancs2028201 played / 162 solved[Classic] huku#01
HukuBy: Huku124 played / 103 solved[Modern] Quidditch Pitch
HPDMBy: HPDM112 played / 74 solved[Classic] first classic
The weird onesBy: hcthepro95 played / 84 solved[Modern] birthday
The weird onesBy: hcthepro81 played / 72 solved[Modern] Buttons & Portals
happymario3223By: happymario3223126 played / 83 solved[Classic] Viele Räume
Hanku PankuBy: Hanku Panku118 played / 91 solved[Classic] Trapped
Hanku PankuBy: Hanku Panku146 played / 92 solved[Modern] Tomb
Hanku PankuBy: Hanku Panku120 played / 81 solved[Classic] Pareidolia
Hanku PankuBy: Hanku Panku135 played / 111 solved[Classic] the weird foot
modernBy: groundhogfood191 played / 158 solved[Modern] super easy puzzle
modernBy: groundhogfood147 played / 125 solved[Modern] easy again
modernBy: groundhogfood139 played / 114 solved