Member Puzzle Records
Dewed's personal puzzle records with a bronze trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Dewed has earned a bronze trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Vladko 05
Trees of Sokoba…By: zahoransky41 played / 26 solved[Classic] armtimer6
armtimerBy: armtimer61 played / 26 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XVI #2978
Ionic Catalysts…31 played / 16 solved[Classic] 26-290
CosmosBy: kjs72243 played / 13 solved[Classic] LvL 5
MoRtExYBy: MoRtExY56 played / 46 solved[Classic] MP05
GreenCastleBloc…By: GreenCastleBlock39 played / 31 solved[Classic] poziom 14
pushingoBy: pushingo83 played / 68 solved[Classic] Corner Office
qqwrefBy: qqwref44 played / 21 solved[Classic] SokoChallenge 15
SokoChallengeBy: kevincassol16 played / 10 solved[Classic] ParaBox #15: Terrace
ParaBoxBy: diceman22 played / 16 solved[Classic] nr 13
HansZBy: HansZ46 played / 20 solved[Classic] Dotted walls
OthersBy: Jonathan Handojo38 played / 12 solved[Classic] Square
shaggathBy: shaggath88 played / 58 solved[Classic] Cross Out
qqwrefBy: qqwref22 played / 4 solved[Classic] trial #5
Trials 1.By: Akainamill101 played / 28 solved[Classic] Tight Spaces
Old school Soko…By: Vladimir54 played / 9 solved[Classic] Anguished #22
AnguishedBy: Jeffrey30 played / 9 solved[Classic] 22
Dump (Subpar Co…By: diceman20 played / 13 solved[Classic] C23
CBy: Akainamill54 played / 15 solved[Modern] Vortex
MortimerBy: Mortimer42 played / 10 solved[Classic] armtimer3
armtimerBy: armtimer55 played / 18 solved[Modern] 4 colors E4
ColorsBy: kjs72268 played / 22 solved[Classic] Scatter #3
ScatterBy: Jonathan Handojo72 played / 15 solved[Classic] Modern Classic
b…By: b o b80 played / 42 solved[Classic] clear the airways
breakoutbigcolBy: breakoutbigcol57 played / 43 solved[Classic] Boxxleman
Random ThingsBy: Lenc84 played / 65 solved[Classic] Caixas
ClassicBy: JUNEVER91 played / 57 solved[Classic] yoyokoban
bowoBy: bowo41 played / 36 solved[Classic] Infinity #813
Infinity22 played / 22 solved[Classic] Spiros VII #45
Spiros VII38 played / 24 solved