Member Puzzle Records
Dewed's personal puzzle records with a silver trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Dewed has earned a silver trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Arranged #300
Arranged14 played / 6 solved[Classic] Atlas X #56
Atlas X43 played / 23 solved[Modern] vroy 119
PuzzlesBy: vroy13 played / 3 solved[Classic] Premysl #245
Premysl18 played / 4 solved[Classic] Arranged #73
Arranged14 played / 9 solved[Classic] Recreation #1074
Recreation20 played / 6 solved[Classic] Recreation #106
Recreation8 played / 5 solved[Classic] Revenge XXVII #40
Revenge XXVII20 played / 4 solved[Classic] Magic Sokoban VI #43
Magic Sokoban V…13 played / 5 solved[Classic] Mass Remodel #1715
Mass Remodel34 played / 8 solved[Classic] Suitcase V #281
Suitcase V43 played / 6 solved[Classic] Revenge XXXVI #93
Revenge XXXVI21 played / 5 solved[Classic] SBMendonca Modifications #36
SBMendonca Modi…15 played / 4 solved[Classic] V2010 #115
V201014 played / 5 solved[Classic] V2009 #108
V200917 played / 8 solved[Classic] Main Collection #43
Main Collection26 played / 11 solved[Classic] Recreation #71
Recreation18 played / 12 solved[Classic] TBox V #15
TBox V25 played / 11 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts X #1314
Ionic Catalysts…16 played / 6 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts Reprisal #14
Ionic Catalysts…13 played / 4 solved[Classic] Microban III Variations #22
Microban III Va…22 played / 8 solved[Classic] Grigr Sun #7
Grigr Sun15 played / 4 solved[Classic] Recreation #760
Recreation11 played / 5 solved[Classic] SokHard #98
SokHard35 played / 7 solved[Classic] Revenge XXXVIII #55
Revenge XXXVIII14 played / 4 solved[Classic] Magic Sokoban IV #57
Magic Sokoban I…27 played / 12 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XX #1531
Ionic Catalysts…31 played / 15 solved[Classic] Primus #60
Primus18 played / 3 solved[Classic] Main Collection #1630
Main Collection11 played / 7 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XX #10961
Ionic Catalysts…12 played / 4 solved