Member Puzzle Records
El1357's personal puzzle records with a silver trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which El1357 has earned a silver trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] Yelena
SwaptasticBy: Jeffrey21 played / 13 solved[Classic] Relaxed #32
RelaxedBy: Jeffrey180 played / 118 solved[Classic] Relaxed #19
RelaxedBy: Jeffrey188 played / 115 solved[Classic] 12 No Challenge. Just Waste of…
SokobanBy: bjertrup112 played / 63 solved[Modern] Andor #003
AndorBy: SzieberthAdam117 played / 57 solved[Classic] 3 One Box Sokoban
ShulgothBy: Shulgoth103 played / 92 solved[Modern] Ice Floor 008
Ice FloorBy: pc46168 played / 141 solved[Modern] Ice Floor 009
Ice FloorBy: pc46128 played / 71 solved[Classic] Shuffle
Small Classic P…By: Mike Daas93 played / 61 solved[Classic] Small Classic 4
SebExistsBy: SebExists79 played / 64 solved[Modern] Portal Cycle
OthersBy: Jonathan Handojo117 played / 51 solved[Modern] Microban #38
Remixed: Microb…By: Jeffrey107 played / 65 solved[Modern] Simple Ice Spiral
EasyBy: akaiew85 played / 63 solved[Modern] Magnets
MediumBy: akaiew83 played / 40 solved[Classic] 1
hajwhiBy: hajwhi106 played / 84 solved[Modern] Portal 4
kEIJIFBy: kEIJIF51 played / 34 solved[Classic] First Puzzle
ClassicBy: akaiew106 played / 84 solved[Classic] micro 1
quyseBy: quyse112 played / 77 solved[Classic] A3
BlorkBy: Blork111 played / 85 solved[Modern] 3x3
feuBy: feu118 played / 61 solved[Classic] Recreation #25
Recreation208 played / 168 solved[Modern] Room #149
The TowerBy: Jeffrey105 played / 53 solved[Modern] E31
EBy: Akainamill56 played / 33 solved[Classic] sky snake 23
bowoBy: bowo74 played / 47 solved[Classic] 113 Warmer
SokobanBy: bjertrup117 played / 97 solved[Modern] Special Level 18
Episode 1 - The…By: benjamin2111 played / 95 solved[Modern] Special Level 02
Starter PackBy: benjamin2165 played / 117 solved[Modern] Special Level 06
Starter PackBy: benjamin2108 played / 88 solved[Modern] Testando #01
Project 'SBy: JUNEVER76 played / 37 solved[Modern] Only one step available around
Entertain your…By: Jonathan Handojo97 played / 39 solved