Member Puzzle Records
fredskuttle's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which fredskuttle has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] Mutual Attraction
KingslayerBy: Kingslayer245 played / 157 solved[Modern] Hard but simple
notnormaluserBy: notnormaluser126 played / 101 solved[Modern] A Lot Of Things Going On At On…
Lord V BobBy: Lord V Bob179 played / 109 solved[Modern] Bartizan
Modern PuzzlesBy: Mike Daas125 played / 48 solved[Classic] Almost Hamiltonian Path
qwerty_ytrewqBy: qwerty_ytrewq184 played / 131 solved[Classic] Scaffolding I
zullBy: zull134 played / 91 solved[Classic] The Kid Puzzle #1
AleksanderBy: Aleksander114 played / 87 solved[Classic] 999
FoxxumBy: Foxxum147 played / 114 solved[Classic] An attempt at a classic puzzle
Lord V BobBy: Lord V Bob184 played / 153 solved[Classic] Redirection and Softlocks
SokoSansBy: SokoSans146 played / 119 solved[Classic] Long and Annoying
Lord V BobBy: Lord V Bob75 played / 66 solved[Classic] 4 Boxes
Lord V BobBy: Lord V Bob116 played / 99 solved[Modern] Multibland 1
SellymeBy: Sellyme103 played / 59 solved[Modern] Loops
Space JunkBy: Space Junk251 played / 190 solved[Classic] Classic #70
ClassicBy: Jorge Gloria472 played / 176 solved[Modern] Deck of Cards
K_O_GBy: K_O_G39 played / 34 solved[Modern] bob
batman the envo…By: batman the envoy of the orphan122 played / 74 solved[Modern] Puzzle 13
3 BoxesBy: mikearcher67 played / 23 solved[Modern] Puzzle 14
3 BoxesBy: mikearcher77 played / 68 solved[Modern] Puzzle 16
3 BoxesBy: mikearcher74 played / 35 solved[Modern] Disperse
Modern PuzzlesBy: Mike Daas110 played / 62 solved[Modern] Buttons & Portals
happymario3223By: happymario3223126 played / 83 solved[Modern] Filler
Modern PuzzlesBy: Mike Daas161 played / 123 solved[Modern] Icy Pond
K_O_GBy: K_O_G121 played / 47 solved[Modern] Puzzle 56
5 BoxesBy: mikearcher44 played / 14 solved[Modern] bruh- super easy and thers 2 w…
super guyBy: super guy91 played / 66 solved[Modern] warehouse hunter
u_tomiBy: u_tomi106 played / 64 solved[Classic] tunnel
u_tomiBy: u_tomi88 played / 79 solved[Modern] gap
u_tomiBy: u_tomi95 played / 67 solved[Modern] adventure park
u_tomiBy: u_tomi123 played / 63 solved