Member Puzzle Records
Gelonidres's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Gelonidres has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] Mini-Contest: Rail Blockage
Mini-Contest 2By: benjamin294 played / 69 solved[Modern] diamonds
2017By: 39cool80 played / 57 solved[Classic] Special Level 2
Factory IBy: benjamin2162 played / 99 solved[Classic] Recreation #1012
Recreation35 played / 28 solved[Classic] Recreation #951
Recreation65 played / 51 solved[Classic] Main Collection #630
Main Collection45 played / 40 solved[Classic] Floor 2 Room 6
Factory IBy: benjamin2105 played / 86 solved[Classic] l2_box
icedphoenixBy: icedphoenix156 played / 112 solved[Classic] Supaplex
MurphyBy: Murphy135 played / 57 solved[Modern] 1- 5th Contest - The Lost Jewe…
ContestBy: someone145 played / 52 solved[Classic] Special Level 5 (Time Attack 2…
Factory IBy: benjamin296 played / 80 solved[Classic] 65 seconds #01
65 secondsBy: benjamin2158 played / 107 solved[Classic] Floor 3 Room 4
Factory IBy: benjamin292 played / 61 solved[Classic] Floor 1 Elevator
Factory IBy: benjamin2145 played / 111 solved[Classic] Special Level 1
Factory IBy: benjamin2159 played / 130 solved[Modern] A155
ABy: Akainamill60 played / 17 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XI #425
Ionic Catalysts…54 played / 50 solved[Modern] Flex
SeveralBy: Jorge Gloria115 played / 42 solved[Modern] Mágico
Project 'SBy: JUNEVER80 played / 33 solved[Classic] Medium Difficulty
jonesTBy: jonesT100 played / 57 solved[Modern] A186
ABy: Akainamill41 played / 21 solved[Classic] Just push it!
boxmaster1369By: boxmaster1369247 played / 171 solved[Classic] Prune Juice
timeslyderBy: timeslyder207 played / 153 solved[Modern] hard game #01
hard gameBy: DJ_man51 played / 20 solved[Classic] Squeezed In!
RQAriesBy: RQAries116 played / 90 solved[Modern] A185
ABy: Akainamill45 played / 28 solved[Modern] A188
ABy: Akainamill78 played / 47 solved[Classic] Bugs VI #350
Bugs VI98 played / 85 solved[Classic] ParaBox #7: Flurry
ParaBoxBy: diceman43 played / 29 solved[Classic] Magic Sokoban #17
Magic Sokoban104 played / 73 solved