Member Puzzle Records
kanetomoyuri's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which kanetomoyuri has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] BAGR15
proffotBy: proffot116 played / 53 solved[Modern] BAGR14
proffotBy: proffot146 played / 103 solved[Modern] BAGR13
proffotBy: proffot111 played / 84 solved[Modern] BAGR11
proffotBy: proffot142 played / 109 solved[Modern] BAGR9
proffotBy: proffot127 played / 78 solved[Classic] bagr7
proffotBy: proffot162 played / 144 solved[Classic] bagr5
proffotBy: proffot154 played / 129 solved[Classic] bagr4
proffotBy: proffot119 played / 94 solved[Classic] bagr3
proffotBy: proffot155 played / 128 solved[Classic] BAGR2
proffotBy: proffot152 played / 129 solved[Classic] BAGR
proffotBy: proffot173 played / 139 solved[Modern] BAGR8
proffotBy: proffot150 played / 100 solved[Modern] BAGR17
proffotBy: proffot79 played / 52 solved[Classic] BAGR1
proffotBy: proffot134 played / 113 solved[Modern] TOP GUN
proffotBy: proffot176 played / 60 solved[Modern] BAGR12
proffotBy: proffot167 played / 89 solved[Modern] vroy 384
PuzzlesBy: vroy72 played / 32 solved[Modern] Post_Fragile_Floor_F renzy_3
usethebrakesBy: usethebrakes129 played / 76 solved[Modern] Post_Fragile_Floor_F renzy_2
usethebrakesBy: usethebrakes151 played / 91 solved[Modern] two color 37
HansZBy: HansZ59 played / 24 solved[Modern] To form my heart
2017By: 39cool97 played / 34 solved[Modern] 39cool #8 holes
2017By: 39cool101 played / 77 solved[Classic] 39cool #2
2017By: 39cool185 played / 157 solved[Modern] 2. Little magnetic twister
2017By: 39cool115 played / 69 solved[Modern] 3. Not raily hard
2017By: 39cool120 played / 40 solved[Modern] Easy #4-1-60
Hole / Fragile…By: pc4698 played / 56 solved[Modern] Easy #4-1-70
Hole / Fragile…By: pc46120 played / 37 solved[Modern] Easy #4-1-67
Hole / Fragile…By: pc4672 played / 52 solved[Modern] Easy #4-1-68
Hole / Fragile…By: pc4691 played / 52 solved[Modern] Easy #4-1-66
Hole / Fragile…By: pc4681 played / 46 solved