Member Puzzle Records
kjs722's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which kjs722 has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] Sliding on ice
OthersBy: Adamo128 played / 101 solved[Modern] What happens when you pust it…
OthersBy: Jonathan Handojo166 played / 106 solved[Modern] Boxes'n'Portal
Tudor2007By: Tudor2007207 played / 136 solved[Modern] PuzzleTemplate
unfuse_nowBy: unfuse_now124 played / 101 solved[Modern] Post_Fragile_Floor_F renzy_1
usethebrakesBy: usethebrakes147 played / 127 solved[Modern] 3 colors H2
ColorsBy: kjs72268 played / 19 solved[Classic] Prune Juice
timeslyderBy: timeslyder207 played / 153 solved[Modern] Hard-two
TeknicBy: Teknic114 played / 97 solved[Modern] SD1
S_DEEZY1985By: S_DEEZY1985123 played / 110 solved[Modern] FOUR CARD #2
FOUR BOXBy: suleyman koyuncugil166 played / 128 solved[Modern] Moral Dilemma
stigBy: stig113 played / 93 solved[Modern] 1
SpieleKindHDBy: SpieleKindHD122 played / 101 solved[Classic] Bury thy self
spicaboxBy: spicabox124 played / 95 solved[Modern] Red lvl. 3
Level`s zapzapBy: zapzap147 played / 92 solved[Classic] Test
Yittrium39By: Yittrium39305 played / 210 solved[Modern] Moar Portals
xstaticx26By: xstaticx26131 played / 94 solved[Modern] Portal Tastic
xanman12321By: xanman12321147 played / 127 solved[Modern] a1
specterBy: specter158 played / 122 solved[Classic] Simply Easy
Space DorkishBy: Space Dorkish102 played / 83 solved[Modern] Lvl zro
SonicBy: Sonic104 played / 82 solved[Modern] 2- A Second Type of Trap Door
Trap DoorsBy: someone161 played / 89 solved[Modern] 1-First Trap Door
Trap DoorsBy: someone175 played / 124 solved[Modern] 1-Packed
TinyBy: someone164 played / 66 solved[Modern] 1-Get out of the way!
Pesky Second Pl…By: someone492 played / 83 solved[Modern] trap chaos
some playerBy: some player108 played / 74 solved[Modern] Maze
some playerBy: some player113 played / 51 solved[Modern] ice skate
some playerBy: some player113 played / 77 solved[Modern] Heart Box Problem (1)
SokobanerBy: Sokobaner131 played / 78 solved[Modern] Rotation Problem #3
SokobanerBy: Sokobaner87 played / 56 solved[Modern] SG
SildorianBy: Sildorian152 played / 128 solved