Member Puzzle Records
LeSudOuest's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which LeSudOuest has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XIX #694
Ionic Catalysts…24 played / 23 solved[Modern] Room #144
The TowerBy: Jeffrey84 played / 51 solved[Classic] Bugs VI #149
Bugs VI76 played / 70 solved[Classic] Bugs VI #147
Bugs VI75 played / 57 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts IV #1364
Ionic Catalysts…67 played / 49 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts V #303
Ionic Catalysts…20 played / 20 solved[Classic] Dimitri and Yorick #33
Dimitri and Yor…197 played / 178 solved[Modern] Moral Dilemma
stigBy: stig111 played / 92 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts VIII #1711
Ionic Catalysts…83 played / 70 solved[Classic] Bugs VIII #814
Bugs VIII24 played / 15 solved[Modern] Terapia - Contest
ContestsBy: Jorge Gloria111 played / 65 solved[Modern] Sokoban Online - Contest
ContestsBy: Jorge Gloria71 played / 42 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XIX #263
Ionic Catalysts…25 played / 23 solved[Modern] 39cool #21
2017By: 39cool124 played / 59 solved[Classic] Suitcase IV #53
Suitcase IV57 played / 45 solved[Classic] Bugs V #69
Bugs V34 played / 21 solved[Modern] Red lvl.1
Level`s zapzapBy: zapzap218 played / 163 solved[Modern] Magnetic Road
Level`s zapzapBy: zapzap158 played / 138 solved[Modern] Holes
Level`s zapzapBy: zapzap108 played / 62 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XI #1595
Ionic Catalysts…31 played / 27 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XIV #1711
Ionic Catalysts…27 played / 25 solved[Classic] Very simple 00007
wdsanchezBy: wdsanchez73 played / 59 solved[Classic] Very simple 00004
wdsanchezBy: wdsanchez81 played / 61 solved[Modern] Very simple 00003
wdsanchezBy: wdsanchez108 played / 72 solved[Modern] Very simple 000001
wdsanchezBy: wdsanchez98 played / 75 solved[Classic] Very simple
wdsanchezBy: wdsanchez104 played / 80 solved[Classic] This is no a difficult one
wdsanchezBy: wdsanchez51 played / 41 solved[Classic] Third puzzle
wdsanchezBy: wdsanchez49 played / 45 solved[Classic] Sixth one
wdsanchezBy: wdsanchez54 played / 48 solved[Classic] Fifth one
wdsanchezBy: wdsanchez94 played / 53 solved