Member Puzzle Records
Lord V Bob's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Lord V Bob has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Infinity #198
Infinity112 played / 95 solved[Classic] Infinity #193
Infinity138 played / 99 solved[Classic] Infinity #192
Infinity146 played / 128 solved[Classic] Infinity #191
Infinity127 played / 113 solved[Classic] Infinity #187
Infinity141 played / 122 solved[Classic] Infinity #185
Infinity123 played / 109 solved[Classic] Infinity #183
Infinity157 played / 137 solved[Classic] Infinity #181
Infinity162 played / 140 solved[Classic] Infinity #180
Infinity108 played / 104 solved[Classic] Infinity #179
Infinity136 played / 121 solved[Classic] Infinity #178
Infinity159 played / 137 solved[Classic] Infinity #177
Infinity106 played / 99 solved[Classic] Infinity #176
Infinity112 played / 101 solved[Classic] Simply Easy
Space DorkishBy: Space Dorkish101 played / 82 solved[Modern] unv55
alexusBy: alexus149 played / 122 solved[Modern] Question Blocker - Easy
JasonpeteBy: Jasonpete93 played / 78 solved[Classic] EZ
VicPDJBy: VicPDJ84 played / 74 solved[Classic] Level 8.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill142 played / 121 solved[Classic] Level 6.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill104 played / 102 solved[Modern] Portal Jump 1 (Easy)
Lord V BobBy: Lord V Bob133 played / 98 solved[Modern] 1-4: Maximal Space
24ayn5By: 24ayn5147 played / 134 solved[Classic] 1-2: Looping Around
24ayn5By: 24ayn5145 played / 134 solved[Modern] Maze?
GigabyteBy: Gigabyte91 played / 71 solved[Classic] Main Collection #102
Main Collection110 played / 95 solved[Modern] Lesson #5-6
Lessons1,168 played / 730 solved[Modern] Lesson #5-4
Lessons1,069 played / 833 solved[Modern] Lesson #5-1
Lessons931 played / 783 solved[Modern] Lesson #4-5
Lessons1,611 played / 974 solved[Modern] Lesson #4-4
Lessons1,479 played / 1,069 solved[Modern] Lesson #4-3
Lessons1,266 played / 993 solved