Member Puzzle Records
Lord V Bob's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Lord V Bob has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Infinity #182
Infinity167 played / 126 solved[Modern] railway puzzle 2 tricky railro…
weslam4By: weslam4101 played / 60 solved[Classic] make 2 to 3
weslam4By: weslam4108 played / 94 solved[Modern] levels 4 boxes
weslam4By: weslam491 played / 71 solved[Classic] a5
specterBy: specter108 played / 90 solved[Modern] a3
specterBy: specter88 played / 60 solved[Modern] a2
specterBy: specter132 played / 76 solved[Modern] a1
specterBy: specter158 played / 122 solved[Modern] a
specterBy: specter126 played / 65 solved[Classic] Heart shape
alphenekoBy: alpheneko60 played / 49 solved[Classic] Easy #5
Anupom_1_2_3_By: Anupom_1_2_3_269 played / 200 solved[Classic] Easy #3
Anupom_1_2_3_By: Anupom_1_2_3_263 played / 219 solved[Modern] 4 rooms with different difficu…
weslam4By: weslam471 played / 62 solved[Modern] Ice_Slide2
agillzBy: agillz125 played / 80 solved[Modern] Ice_Slide2 Remix
agillzBy: agillz107 played / 73 solved[Modern] Caj3
Alejo2404By: Alejo2404115 played / 85 solved[Classic] The Kid Puzzle #1
AleksanderBy: Aleksander114 played / 87 solved[Modern] Make Me Harderer
DewedBy: Dewed89 played / 62 solved[Modern] Pointless
Lord V BobBy: Lord V Bob89 played / 68 solved[Classic] Long and Annoying
Lord V BobBy: Lord V Bob75 played / 66 solved[Classic] 4 Boxes
Lord V BobBy: Lord V Bob116 played / 99 solved[Modern] Question Blockers - 3
JasonpeteBy: Jasonpete114 played / 85 solved[Modern] Question Blocker - Hard
JasonpeteBy: Jasonpete139 played / 96 solved[Classic] Boxes
75zxBy: 75zx577 played / 475 solved[Classic] EZ?
VicPDJBy: VicPDJ78 played / 66 solved[Classic] EZ 2
VicPDJBy: VicPDJ87 played / 72 solved[Modern] A1
ABy: Akainamill431 played / 254 solved[Classic] Level 9.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill128 played / 110 solved[Modern] Level 4.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill100 played / 75 solved[Modern] Easy Eyes
KingslayerBy: Kingslayer96 played / 65 solved