Member Puzzle Records
mikearcher's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which mikearcher has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] Puzzle 14
3 BoxesBy: mikearcher77 played / 68 solved[Modern] Puzzle 15
3 BoxesBy: mikearcher62 played / 29 solved[Modern] bob
batman the envo…By: batman the envoy of the orphan122 played / 74 solved[Classic] Stage 4 - Officriser
ModPlexBy: STcial Mod plex86 played / 75 solved[Classic] Stage 3 - Officriser
ModPlexBy: STcial Mod plex143 played / 114 solved[Classic] Stage 2 - Officriser
ModPlexBy: STcial Mod plex94 played / 83 solved[Classic] Stage 1 - Officriser
ModPlexBy: STcial Mod plex91 played / 76 solved[Modern] Consciuncle
Modern PuzzlesBy: Mike Daas91 played / 37 solved[Modern] Live and Let Actually Die
Appointment Wit…By: danBhentschel72 played / 49 solved[Modern] All Boxed In
Appointment Wit…By: danBhentschel92 played / 65 solved[Modern] Meat Grinder
Appointment Wit…By: danBhentschel96 played / 66 solved[Modern] Live and Let Die
Appointment Wit…By: danBhentschel103 played / 59 solved[Modern] A Time to Die
Appointment Wit…By: danBhentschel102 played / 69 solved[Modern] Jump around
123456By: 123456506 played / 141 solved[Modern] Puzzle 51
4 boxesBy: mikearcher55 played / 37 solved[Modern] Icy Pond
K_O_GBy: K_O_G121 played / 47 solved[Modern] warehouse hunter
u_tomiBy: u_tomi106 played / 64 solved[Classic] Ruined
Medium Classic…By: Mike Daas115 played / 43 solved[Modern] Microban Variant
RookerBy: Rooker197 played / 138 solved[Classic] Marisabot's funky room
June FlowerBy: June Flower190 played / 118 solved[Modern] Reboots Lair - Abandoned shaft
ItsToxinBy: ItsToxin88 played / 57 solved[Modern] Permute
Modern PuzzlesBy: Mike Daas63 played / 27 solved[Modern] Teamwork
KnightGamer737By: KnightGamer737131 played / 96 solved[Classic] Einfach
lnager_kerlBy: lnager_kerl140 played / 109 solved[Modern] Tag Team
TraxuimBy: Traxuim133 played / 83 solved[Modern] Another Practice 13
Sokoban Touch (…By: mikearcher44 played / 16 solved[Modern] Shortcut
Modern PuzzlesBy: Mike Daas118 played / 56 solved[Classic] Push Box Level 2
SomeuserlolBy: Someuserlol111 played / 83 solved[Classic] Compact
Small Classic P…By: Mike Daas118 played / 91 solved[Modern] Two
Modern PuzzlesBy: Mike Daas147 played / 83 solved