Member Puzzle Records
mikearcher's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which mikearcher has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] A Partridge in a Pear Tree
PGTBy: PGT86 played / 57 solved[Classic] in the loop
lcwBy: lcw97 played / 57 solved[Classic] classic
EasyBy: Allpollo60 played / 33 solved[Modern] Jam Today
PGTBy: PGT83 played / 45 solved[Classic] Against the Wall
RookerBy: Rooker94 played / 45 solved[Modern] TCT 027
Opeth2112By: Opeth211252 played / 26 solved[Classic] four boxes classic
PGTBy: PGT106 played / 87 solved[Modern] Sokoban Chakra
PGTBy: PGT49 played / 36 solved[Modern] 011 Oops
Trash DumpBy: Gelonidres56 played / 32 solved[Modern] To Grandmother's House We Go .…
PGTBy: PGT54 played / 19 solved[Classic] five boxes classic
PGTBy: PGT72 played / 58 solved[Classic] Busy Box
breakoutbigcolBy: breakoutbigcol92 played / 65 solved[Classic] Traffic Jam
kavingfraud420By: kavingfraud42054 played / 41 solved[Classic] JUSHTSHOO1
ElvagBy: Elvag76 played / 63 solved[Modern] vroy 356
PuzzlesBy: vroy53 played / 27 solved[Classic] six boxes classic
PGTBy: PGT67 played / 43 solved[Classic] JUSTSHOO3
ElvagBy: Elvag51 played / 43 solved[Classic] JUSTSHOO4
ElvagBy: Elvag58 played / 46 solved[Modern] Ship in a Bottle
PGTBy: PGT74 played / 32 solved[Classic] Machine Gun
kavingfraud420By: kavingfraud42053 played / 42 solved[Modern] Blue's Day Off
PGTBy: PGT85 played / 44 solved[Modern] TCT 026
Opeth2112By: Opeth211247 played / 18 solved[Classic] fill in
quelhrelpBy: quelhrelp40 played / 22 solved[Classic] Tunnel Puzzle
lcwBy: lcw85 played / 68 solved[Modern] Setris
lcwBy: lcw104 played / 45 solved[Classic] Aruba IX #17
Aruba IX69 played / 37 solved[Classic] Abstract #1
PGTBy: PGT137 played / 52 solved[Classic] E
BloopingBy: Blooping60 played / 37 solved[Classic] around the outside
quelhrelpBy: quelhrelp60 played / 40 solved[Classic] F
BloopingBy: Blooping88 played / 47 solved