Member Puzzle Records
mousecat's personal puzzle records without a trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which mousecat has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] easy run
bowoBy: bowo91 played / 70 solved[Classic] dokoban
bowoBy: bowo84 played / 64 solved[Classic] dodokoban
bowoBy: bowo98 played / 72 solved[Classic] cloud
bowoBy: bowo107 played / 83 solved[Classic] bokoban
bowoBy: bowo138 played / 95 solved[Classic] diamond25
blockpusher50By: blockpusher50145 played / 81 solved[Modern] avenues20
blockpusher50By: blockpusher50116 played / 74 solved[Classic] 109 Agoraphobia 1
SokobanBy: bjertrup49 played / 45 solved[Classic] Mister Box
BielzaBy: Bielza253 played / 181 solved[Modern] Wednesday wet floor.
FVDiscoBy: FVDisco170 played / 103 solved[Modern] Puzzle Madness
FVDiscoBy: FVDisco100 played / 60 solved[Classic] Push block
FVDiscoBy: FVDisco137 played / 100 solved[Classic] 22 Nines
frobeniusBy: frobenius143 played / 92 solved[Modern] two color 3
HansZBy: HansZ79 played / 35 solved[Modern] two color 5
HansZBy: HansZ51 played / 27 solved[Classic] nr 17
HansZBy: HansZ74 played / 52 solved[Classic] nr 3
HansZBy: HansZ110 played / 81 solved[Modern] Easy Game
easy gameBy: DJ_man154 played / 40 solved[Classic] Peace Monkey
Derek DarklyBy: Derek Darkly54 played / 44 solved[Classic] l2_box
icedphoenixBy: icedphoenix156 played / 112 solved[Modern] Pinwheel_1
iamabucket13By: iamabucket1383 played / 47 solved[Classic] Nethack 3A
iamaboutusBy: iamaboutus110 played / 75 solved[Modern] Quidditch Pitch
HPDMBy: HPDM112 played / 74 solved[Modern] Challenge:Hard Part 1
hihi777By: hihi77792 played / 37 solved[Classic] Boxmania
hihi777By: hihi777126 played / 92 solved[Modern] dictatorship but pixelised
The weird onesBy: hcthepro60 played / 35 solved[Modern] the switch puzzle
The weird onesBy: hcthepro90 played / 55 solved[Modern] magnet switch puzzle
The weird onesBy: hcthepro85 played / 45 solved[Modern] Blender
HauntedFurretBy: HauntedFurret70 played / 25 solved[Classic] Three times play game
hatatatBy: hatatat113 played / 93 solved