Member Puzzle Records
msdianette's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which msdianette has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Alberto #8
Alberto242 played / 99 solved[Classic] Alberto #6
Alberto205 played / 180 solved[Classic] Alberto #5
Alberto160 played / 146 solved[Classic] Alberto #4
Alberto188 played / 137 solved[Classic] Alberto #3
Alberto251 played / 178 solved[Classic] Alberto #2
Alberto279 played / 165 solved[Classic] Alberto #1
Alberto243 played / 196 solved[Classic] 1-3 #46
1-3200 played / 162 solved[Classic] 1-3 #45
1-3253 played / 200 solved[Classic] 1-3 #44
1-3178 played / 138 solved[Classic] 1-3 #38
1-3154 played / 125 solved[Classic] 1-3 #37
1-3176 played / 150 solved[Classic] 1-3 #35
1-3215 played / 124 solved[Classic] 1-3 #34
1-3195 played / 152 solved[Classic] 1-3 #31
1-3181 played / 131 solved[Classic] 1-3 #29
1-3198 played / 142 solved[Classic] 1-3 #28
1-3202 played / 161 solved[Classic] 1-3 #27
1-3183 played / 149 solved[Classic] 1-3 #26
1-3200 played / 170 solved[Classic] 1-3 #25
1-3164 played / 138 solved[Classic] 1-3 #24
1-3200 played / 162 solved[Classic] 1-3 #22
1-3230 played / 180 solved[Classic] 1-3 #21
1-3207 played / 159 solved[Classic] 1-3 #19
1-3241 played / 178 solved[Classic] 1-3 #18
1-3208 played / 156 solved[Classic] 1-3 #17
1-3260 played / 141 solved[Classic] 1-3 #16
1-3237 played / 197 solved[Classic] 1-3 #13
1-3191 played / 168 solved[Classic] 1-3 #12
1-3183 played / 121 solved[Classic] 1-3 #10
1-3196 played / 148 solved