Member Puzzle Records
Ron's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Ron has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Magic Pearls #3
Magic Pearls154 played / 126 solved[Classic] Magic Pearls #2
Magic Pearls161 played / 137 solved[Classic] Magic Pearls #1
Magic Pearls143 played / 126 solved[Classic] Brainsport Extreme #14
Brainsport Extr…79 played / 69 solved[Classic] Big labyrinth
Big labyrinthBy: zapzap144 played / 133 solved[Classic] Labyrinth 4
coloursBy: zapzap137 played / 112 solved[Classic] SImple 2-box Puzzle
vu1canBy: vu1can108 played / 92 solved[Classic] Andor #000
AndorBy: SzieberthAdam90 played / 86 solved[Classic] Simply Easy
Space DorkishBy: Space Dorkish101 played / 82 solved[Classic] 3 One Box Sokoban
ShulgothBy: Shulgoth103 played / 92 solved[Classic] 2 One Box Sokoban
ShulgothBy: Shulgoth101 played / 91 solved[Classic] 1 One Box Sokoban
ShulgothBy: Shulgoth107 played / 105 solved[Classic] Zig Zag
shaggathBy: shaggath133 played / 94 solved[Classic] MRZ01
rdfrBy: rdfr178 played / 134 solved[Classic] All But One 04
pithyBy: pithy108 played / 93 solved[Classic] All But One 03
pithyBy: pithy138 played / 113 solved[Classic] All But One 02
pithyBy: pithy146 played / 127 solved[Classic] Simple Escape IV
EscapologyBy: niwa152 played / 87 solved[Classic] Simply Easy
ModPlexBy: STcial Mod plex122 played / 117 solved[Classic] Easy, return to start
ModPlexBy: STcial Mod plex148 played / 114 solved[Classic] Puzzle 11
ConfuzzledBy: mikearcher95 played / 71 solved[Classic] The Maze
Random ThingsBy: Lenc134 played / 80 solved[Classic] Puzzle 02
Puzzles!By: Lenc237 played / 158 solved[Classic] Box Pusher Lvl. 15
KamersonBy: Kamerson153 played / 104 solved[Classic] Box Pusher Lvl. 11
KamersonBy: Kamerson129 played / 102 solved[Classic] Box Pusher Lvl. 6
KamersonBy: Kamerson152 played / 114 solved[Classic] Box Pusher Lvl. 4
KamersonBy: Kamerson145 played / 119 solved[Classic] Box Pusher Lvl. 2
KamersonBy: Kamerson141 played / 123 solved[Classic] Simple Fun
JoyBlockBy: JoyBlock171 played / 122 solved[Modern] Old Easy #1-1-36
Modern Mini WayBy: Jorge Gloria87 played / 60 solved