Member Puzzle Records
Ron's personal puzzle records without a trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Ron has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Tonk
TonkBy: Tonk81 played / 68 solved[Classic] Tonk
TonkBy: Tonk99 played / 85 solved[Modern] JFJoed Idea
togo the manBy: togo the man83 played / 68 solved[Classic] Spaghetti 2
ThisIsANameBy: ThisIsAName43 played / 27 solved[Classic] Disastertastic
theorphanmakerBy: theorphanmaker50 played / 36 solved[Classic] 2
theorphanmakerBy: theorphanmaker65 played / 45 solved[Modern] Death Is Key
TheDezBy: TheDez86 played / 57 solved[Classic] Narrow Tunnel
tensaix2jBy: tensaix2j82 played / 37 solved[Modern] One Target 6
syedBy: syed155 played / 96 solved[Classic] Bugs VI #478
Bugs VI22 played / 14 solved[Classic] Bugs VI #456
Bugs VI23 played / 17 solved[Classic] More Bugs #150
More Bugs36 played / 13 solved[Classic] 696 #9
696220 played / 121 solved[Classic] 696 #8
696229 played / 115 solved[Classic] 696 #6
696244 played / 127 solved[Modern] 39cool #8 holes
2017By: 39cool101 played / 77 solved[Modern] 1. The Plus (plus into snowfla…
2017By: 39cool138 played / 96 solved[Classic] maze
ddddddddBy: dddddddd87 played / 67 solved[Classic] Hotel
Old school Soko…By: Vladimir47 played / 24 solved[Classic] Puzzle 1
karencarpenterBy: karencarpenter72 played / 52 solved[Classic] Sokoban Fundamentals (Level 3)
ChibagBy: Chibag141 played / 86 solved[Classic] Sokoban Fundamentals (Level 4)
ChibagBy: Chibag186 played / 88 solved[Classic] Arranged #148
Arranged16 played / 8 solved[Classic] Arranged #165
Arranged28 played / 13 solved[Classic] C22
CBy: Akainamill83 played / 47 solved[Modern] D
MediumBy: akaiew55 played / 33 solved[Modern] Puzzle Name
EasyBy: akaiew84 played / 50 solved[Modern] ZZZZ
Simple PuzzlesBy: Adamo102 played / 53 solved[Modern] Simple puzzle #22
Simple PuzzlesBy: Adamo53 played / 30 solved[Modern] Evolution 4
OthersBy: Adamo62 played / 31 solved