Member Puzzle Records
Sagittarius's personal puzzle records with a silver trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Sagittarius has earned a silver trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] Microban #13
Remixed: Microb…By: Jeffrey274 played / 88 solved[Modern] 5th Contest Example
SurprisedBy: Jeffrey462 played / 242 solved[Classic] Ninth Set #33
Ninth Set51 played / 44 solved[Classic] Box Pusher Lvl. 12
KamersonBy: Kamerson158 played / 112 solved[Classic] Square
ShapesBy: zapzap154 played / 122 solved[Modern] Big Labyrinth 2
Big labyrinthBy: zapzap183 played / 71 solved[Modern] Lesson #6-14
Lessons947 played / 666 solved[Modern] Lesson #6-13
Lessons990 played / 790 solved[Modern] Lesson #3-15
Lessons1,850 played / 1,284 solved[Modern] Lesson #7-11
Lessons1,139 played / 810 solved[Classic] Revenge VII #44
Revenge VII67 played / 55 solved[Modern] Red and Green
coloursBy: zapzap193 played / 110 solved[Modern] puzzle-0147 PZ 195
Remodel 2By: pc4692 played / 58 solved[Modern] Red
coloursBy: zapzap144 played / 112 solved[Modern] 10 7x7
7x7By: zapzap205 played / 150 solved[Modern] 3 7x7
7x7By: zapzap277 played / 216 solved[Classic] Main Collection #892
Main Collection40 played / 28 solved[Modern] Ice Floor 007
Ice FloorBy: pc4684 played / 41 solved[Modern] Heart
coloursBy: zapzap147 played / 115 solved[Classic] Pick and stack
nbndsBy: nbnds137 played / 111 solved[Modern] CONTEST AUG2012 #6
CONTESTBy: suleyman koyuncugil137 played / 93 solved[Modern] CONTEST AUG2012 #4
CONTESTBy: suleyman koyuncugil96 played / 82 solved[Modern] CONTEST AUG2012 #14
CONTESTBy: suleyman koyuncugil158 played / 126 solved[Modern] CONTEST AUG2012 #13
CONTESTBy: suleyman koyuncugil143 played / 95 solved[Modern] CONTEST AUG2012 #12
CONTESTBy: suleyman koyuncugil138 played / 94 solved[Classic] Castle Classic
coloursBy: zapzap115 played / 101 solved[Classic] MRZ02
rdfrBy: rdfr190 played / 136 solved[Modern] Lesson #2-12
Lessons6,187 played / 4,996 solved[Modern] Lesson #2-6
Lessons4,674 played / 3,075 solved