Member Puzzle Records
shushan_spr's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which shushan_spr has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] A1
ABy: Akainamill431 played / 254 solved[Modern] Level 19.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill85 played / 57 solved[Classic] 1
1497LBy: 1497L250 played / 194 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts VI #1979
Ionic Catalysts…42 played / 35 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts VI #1977
Ionic Catalysts…53 played / 44 solved[Modern] Level 18.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill105 played / 69 solved[Classic] Serena #17
Serena87 played / 61 solved[Classic] Serena #14
Serena54 played / 51 solved[Classic] Serena #11
Serena66 played / 52 solved[Classic] Serena #10
Serena63 played / 53 solved[Classic] Serena #7
Serena204 played / 65 solved[Modern] Level 12.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill96 played / 67 solved[Modern] Level 10.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill149 played / 74 solved[Classic] Ground Floor Room 2
Factory IBy: benjamin2314 played / 190 solved[Classic] Ground Floor Room 1
Factory IBy: benjamin2426 played / 316 solved[Modern] Portal Shifter
SurprisedBy: Jeffrey95 played / 48 solved[Modern] 2
hajwhiBy: hajwhi57 played / 29 solved[Modern] 5
hajwhiBy: hajwhi112 played / 56 solved[Modern] Level 14.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill98 played / 68 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts VII #67
Ionic Catalysts…46 played / 27 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts VII #62
Ionic Catalysts…48 played / 35 solved[Modern] Weird
SebExistsBy: SebExists67 played / 44 solved[Modern] Twin Player 2
SebExistsBy: SebExists70 played / 40 solved[Modern] Twin Player 1
SebExistsBy: SebExists91 played / 52 solved[Classic] Small Classic 3
SebExistsBy: SebExists74 played / 56 solved[Classic] Small Classic 2
SebExistsBy: SebExists68 played / 53 solved[Classic] Small Classic 1
SebExistsBy: SebExists143 played / 105 solved[Modern] O
SebExistsBy: SebExists68 played / 39 solved[Classic] 3
1497LBy: 1497L151 played / 97 solved[Modern] Simple puzzle #2
Simple PuzzlesBy: Adamo285 played / 120 solved