Member Puzzle Records
TERRYSHELLY's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which TERRYSHELLY has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] A birthday card for Jeff
LandscapeBy: Malice77 played / 55 solved[Modern] Color #06
Colors InvadeBy: Lenc100 played / 42 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #71
Hyper Rectangul…42 played / 32 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #70
Hyper Rectangul…30 played / 28 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #69
Hyper Rectangul…30 played / 24 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #68
Hyper Rectangul…31 played / 28 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #67
Hyper Rectangul…30 played / 26 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #66
Hyper Rectangul…33 played / 29 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #65
Hyper Rectangul…29 played / 28 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #64
Hyper Rectangul…36 played / 31 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #63
Hyper Rectangul…32 played / 29 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #62
Hyper Rectangul…33 played / 31 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #61
Hyper Rectangul…27 played / 24 solved[Modern] Color #05
Colors InvadeBy: Lenc182 played / 89 solved[Modern] Color #04
Colors InvadeBy: Lenc99 played / 64 solved[Modern] Color #03
Colors InvadeBy: Lenc72 played / 47 solved[Modern] Color #02
Colors InvadeBy: Lenc94 played / 57 solved[Modern] modren#1
primerBy: primer134 played / 91 solved[Modern] modren#4
primeBy: prime187 played / 120 solved[Classic] modren#8
primeBy: prime126 played / 96 solved[Modern] modren#7
primeBy: prime140 played / 120 solved[Classic] bokoban
bowoBy: bowo134 played / 93 solved[Classic] aokoban
bowoBy: bowo143 played / 115 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #60
Hyper Rectangul…34 played / 27 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #59
Hyper Rectangul…30 played / 29 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #57
Hyper Rectangul…34 played / 30 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #56
Hyper Rectangul…28 played / 25 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #55
Hyper Rectangul…30 played / 26 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #54
Hyper Rectangul…28 played / 25 solved[Classic] Hyper Rectangular IV #53
Hyper Rectangul…33 played / 27 solved