Member Puzzle Records
vroy's personal puzzle records without a trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which vroy has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] More trouble stacking
Modern trialsBy: Malice39 played / 10 solved[Modern] Stacking Problem
OthersBy: Adamo112 played / 33 solved[Modern] A179
ABy: Akainamill36 played / 17 solved[Modern] portal #30
PortalsBy: pc46169 played / 41 solved[Modern] 5 colors E2
ColorsBy: kjs72275 played / 55 solved[Modern] 5 colors E1
ColorsBy: kjs72268 played / 36 solved[Modern] B01 Super Secret
Buggy PortalsBy: Gelonidres152 played / 10 solved[Modern] 004 Spin Harder
HarderBy: Gelonidres70 played / 14 solved[Modern] A177
ABy: Akainamill38 played / 21 solved[Modern] Level 5.
Sokoban For Beg…By: Akainamill56 played / 35 solved[Modern] 3 colors E2
ColorsBy: kjs722154 played / 109 solved[Modern] H37
HBy: Akainamill54 played / 10 solved[Modern] G12
GBy: Akainamill64 played / 28 solved[Modern] A184
ABy: Akainamill36 played / 14 solved[Modern] A185
ABy: Akainamill45 played / 28 solved[Modern] A187
ABy: Akainamill43 played / 21 solved[Classic] puzzle1
sokochokoBy: sokochoko62 played / 34 solved[Modern] 5. Quadruple Classic
OthersBy: kjs72288 played / 11 solved[Modern] 6. Quadruple Classic 2
OthersBy: kjs72249 played / 29 solved[Classic] ParaBox #56: Blazon
ParaBoxBy: diceman25 played / 13 solved[Modern] box happy mode
superAlbertBy: superAlbert82 played / 51 solved[Modern] 4 colors E1
ColorsBy: kjs72259 played / 36 solved[Classic] ParaBox #25: Pyramid
ParaBoxBy: diceman33 played / 18 solved[Classic] 11
Dump (Subpar Co…By: diceman39 played / 28 solved[Modern] Viva . M E X I C O !!
M i d r i f t xBy: M i d r i f t x33 played / 11 solved[Modern] A182
ABy: Akainamill32 played / 13 solved[Modern] A181
ABy: Akainamill25 played / 18 solved[Classic] ParaBox #3: Ascent
ParaBoxBy: diceman84 played / 48 solved[Modern] Rails #10
RailsBy: kjs72234 played / 8 solved[Classic] Dol&hc First puzzle
DolSokobanaBy: DolSokobana64 played / 42 solved