Member Puzzle Records
zahoransky's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which zahoransky has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Revenge IV #33
Revenge IV87 played / 54 solved[Classic] Revenge IV #32
Revenge IV207 played / 56 solved[Classic] Revenge IV #30
Revenge IV78 played / 57 solved[Classic] Revenge IV #29
Revenge IV84 played / 59 solved[Classic] Revenge IV #28
Revenge IV65 played / 42 solved[Classic] Revenge IV #27
Revenge IV87 played / 39 solved[Classic] Revenge IV #39
Revenge IV79 played / 55 solved[Classic] Revenge IV #37
Revenge IV85 played / 69 solved[Classic] Revenge IV #36
Revenge IV92 played / 54 solved[Classic] Revenge IV #45
Revenge IV71 played / 57 solved[Classic] Infinity #514
Infinity33 played / 22 solved[Classic] Infinity #513
Infinity40 played / 30 solved[Classic] Infinity #512
Infinity35 played / 24 solved[Classic] Infinity #500
Infinity24 played / 23 solved[Classic] Infinity #499
Infinity22 played / 19 solved[Classic] Infinity #498
Infinity23 played / 22 solved[Classic] Infinity #497
Infinity29 played / 23 solved[Classic] Infinity #496
Infinity38 played / 31 solved[Classic] Infinity #495
Infinity29 played / 25 solved[Classic] Infinity #494
Infinity31 played / 27 solved[Classic] Infinity #446
Infinity22 played / 19 solved[Classic] Infinity #445
Infinity25 played / 24 solved[Classic] Infinity #444
Infinity22 played / 21 solved[Classic] Infinity #443
Infinity24 played / 15 solved[Classic] Infinity #442
Infinity24 played / 19 solved[Classic] Infinity #441
Infinity30 played / 28 solved[Classic] Infinity #1054
Infinity27 played / 22 solved[Classic] Infinity #1047
Infinity28 played / 24 solved[Classic] Infinity #1074
Infinity39 played / 31 solved[Classic] Infinity #1072
Infinity32 played / 23 solved