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Easy Peazy
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Easy Peazy
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Puzzle Info
Fri, December 17, 2021
Played: 173
Solved: 87
Uniquely Solved: 56
Best Solution: 149 steps
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7 likes, 1 dislike (8 votes)
Thanks for making me think outside the box. Or would it be inside the box? Or would it be outside one box and inside the other? lol ... hhmmm
Top Solutions
Gold 1. 149 steps Silver 2. 151 steps Bronze 3. 153 steps 4. 155 steps 5. 157 steps 6. 159 steps 7. 163 steps 8. 165 steps 9. 171 steps 10. 175 steps
EXP Chart
149 steps Rank 1 +10 EXP151 steps Rank 2 +5 EXP153 steps Rank 3 +3 EXPAny steps First Solve +5 EXP
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