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AiW #70: On Top of the Mushroom

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Puzzle Info

  1. diceman
  2. Tue, September 15, 2020
  3. Played: 39 Solved: 18 Uniquely Solved: 17
  1. Best Solution: 75 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
  2. The great question certainly was, what? Alice looked all round her at the flowers and the blades of grass, but she did not see anything that looked like the right thing to eat or drink under the circumstances. There was a large mushroom growing near her, about the same height as herself; and when she had looked under it, and on both sides of it, and behind it, it occurred to her that she might as well look and see what was on the top of it.

    ©Lewis Carroll, 1865


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  • 75 steps
    Rank 1 +10 EXP
  • 97 steps
    Rank 2 +5 EXP
  • 129 steps
    Rank 3 +3 EXP
  • Any steps
    First Solve +5 EXP

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  • diceman's avatar
    Just realized ... seems like I unknowingly created a Variation of AiW #63: Roof off. ;-) But they are still different enough.
    • 39cool's avatar
      39cool Pro
      @diceman: They are very different in my eyes, but thats probably becuase i havent solved either puzzle (though i came close in "roof off" ;)