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The Siphon II
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Puzzle Info
- Jimbim
- Tue, August 25, 2015
- Played: 47 Solved: 25 Uniquely Solved: 24
- Best Solution: 1,263 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
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- Extra dirty, by special request !
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vroy ProThanks for Syphon II, Jimbim. I proposed to add 1 wild card box and you added 4. Quite an achievement. For Syphon III may I suggest to add 2 more wild card boxes. O button, we miss you.August 25 2015 at 23:06
- Jimbim Pro@vroy: I won't be making Siphon III, I could actually add 4 more wild card boxes to this puzzle without rearranging anything that is already there. The problem is that the 4 boxes would not be movable so, essentially I would just be adding more walls. It does make the puzzle more difficult to solve, and I might do it (with walls) at a later date. However, if you want to modify the puzzle now, I don't mind at all. You'd better pray harder for your button :-)August 26 2015 at 09:40
- vroy Pro@Jimbim: I won't publish Siphon III as I haven't published improved versions of more than 10 puzzles from the last months.August 26 2015 at 21:58