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Daedelus 05 - The Bend
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4 likes, 1 dislike (5 votes)
Daedelus 05 - The Bend
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Puzzle Info
Thu, May 22, 2014
Played: 126
Solved: 35
Uniquely Solved: 27
Best Solution: 21 steps
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4 likes, 1 dislike (5 votes)
A simple portal puzzle... right?
Top Solutions
Gold 1. 21 steps Silver 2. 22 steps Bronze 3. 24 steps 4. 25 steps 5. 26 steps 6. 27 steps 7. 28 steps 8. 29 steps 9. 32 steps 10. 33 steps
EXP Chart
21 steps Rank 1 +10 EXP22 steps Rank 2 +5 EXP24 steps Rank 3 +3 EXPAny steps First Solve +5 EXP
Latest Solutions
47 steps dundara October 21, 202464 steps kanetomoyuri July 27, 202429 steps Dewed May 19, 202455 steps PGT October 08, 202342 steps aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa January 18, 202349 steps K_O_G September 15, 202149 steps Alfogore March 06, 202188 steps denviban January 20, 202133 steps M i d r i f t x October 15, 201926 steps Threscher April 29, 2019