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Discord Contest #2 - Mikeastro
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Puzzle Info
- Mike Daas
- Mon, August 29, 2022
- Played: 95 Solved: 12 Uniquely Solved: 9
- Best Solution: 765 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
[Like]+10[Dislike]10 likes, 0 dislikes (10 votes)
- Alright so I really tried to work with the template here but I found this shape and it was just too good to not try to see how far I could push it. As always, I boiled it down to the smallest possible size but I fear it kind of lost the spirit of the contest... Regardless, enjoy!
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mikearcher ProI don't see an issue with this puzzle, a puzzle that used wildcard boxes as walls won 3rd place in the last competition.September 06 2022 at 14:58
Congrats, guys. I can't get this for nothing ... said Captain Obvious lolAugust 30 2022 at 18:44