Excellent puzzle, indeed!
The trickiest part around 60% is a really annoying one to come across. (That motif can also be found in some puzzles of Dries de Clercq, that's why it was solvable for me.)
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Puzzle Info
- Mike Daas
- Sun, May 24, 2020
- Played: 236 Solved: 40 Uniquely Solved: 28
- Best Solution: 154 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
[Like]+12[Dislike]12 likes, 0 dislikes (12 votes)
- Just put them in a line. This is one of my best puzzles. Only four boxes, yet fairly tricky. Medium / hard difficulty.
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June 06 2020 at 23:14
39cool Prodamn, i really enjoy these kinds of puzzles where the tightness is the difficulty. Good work.June 01 2020 at 12:47
diceman ProI don't get your definition of "Medium Difficulty". :D But I won't give up yet.May 24 2020 at 16:16
- Mike Daas Pro@diceman: Whoops :P Updated the description. It's quite amazing how hard this is with only four boxesMay 24 2020 at 21:26
- diceman Pro@Mike Daas: Don't mind me, was just a joke. ;-) I really admire your tight, elegant designs. Very often, when creating a new level, I start out with 4 Boxes, but I somehow can't seem to get them arranged in a non-trivial way, so eventually I'll just find myself adding more stuff, lol.May 26 2020 at 17:56