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Conflicting Order
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Puzzle Info
- RingsofCreation
- Tue, January 14, 2025
- Played: 57 Solved: 38 Uniquely Solved: 32
- Best Solution: 140 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
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Hint - While the goals on the left and right both need to have the blocks placed on the inner goal first, the goals facing up and down must have the blocks first placed on the outer goal.
This is because the vertical column of goals has the entrance to the outer goal inaccessible after the inner block is placed.
The Horizontal row of goals instead have their inner goals blocked by the walls surrounding it's four corners.
This is the Conflicting Order
(Also this may be the first time I actually tried to lower my step count after finishing the level. It was very insightful into learning how to make a fun puzzle)
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