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4-Prisoner's Dilemma
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Puzzle Info
- someone
- Fri, March 21, 2014
- Played: 139 Solved: 43 Uniquely Solved: 26
- Best Solution: 111 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
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This one is not broken, I hope...
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Jeffrey StaffHere's an idea for your broken puzzles: Create a separate pack called "Broken" and place any puzzles you publish that you deem "Broken" in there.March 22 2014 at 11:46
I can see what you're trying, perhaps adjusting the right hand wall to prevent wild card box being pushed back towards the middle ?March 22 2014 at 05:09
- someone Pro@diaz: I prefer the "Broken" solution over the real one, so I'll leave it like that.March 22 2014 at 12:17
someone ProIt seems it is still broken but the secret solution is quite hard to see :PMarch 22 2014 at 01:58