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4-More Prisoner Fun
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Puzzle Info
- someone
- Mon, April 07, 2014
- Played: 189 Solved: 25 Uniquely Solved: 15
- Best Solution: 107 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
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Seems like it's hard finally.
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- someone Pro@vroy: Seems like I suck at judging the difficulty :P I'll push it at 5, cause I don't think it's as hard as Primus GradusApril 07 2014 at 22:15
- vroy Pro@someone: Creating such a difficult puzzle with so few elements is impressive.April 08 2014 at 09:57
- someone Pro@vroy: Thanks a lot, that's what I'm trying to do while creating a puzzle: simplicity and difficulty.April 08 2014 at 12:08