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1-Confusing portals
Puzzle Info
- someone
- Wed, May 02, 2012
- Played: 340 Solved: 62 Uniquely Solved: 17
- Best Solution: 83 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
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My first modern puzzle. Confusing to the best!
Difficulty: 6
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vroy ProThere are so few possible moves and it took me so long to solve this one.January 08 2014 at 16:10
Micah ProThat was luck, not skill. Just so we're clear. Man... I need to rethink my strategy...May 23 2012 at 05:07
mikearcher ProThat took some working out, now just need to reduce the moves =p
Nice Puzzle :)May 02 2012 at 18:02