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6-Interesting Magnet
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Puzzle Info
- someone
- Sun, June 01, 2014
- Played: 161 Solved: 44 Uniquely Solved: 28
- Best Solution: 198 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
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Who said magnets weren't interesting? Well, I think it's me...
Difficulty: 4
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- someone Pro@Jonathan Handojo: It's hard to create something difficult with them, because the player has always four combinations he can put the magnet in, and it is hard to control these four combinations to make the puzzle hard. It is difficult to use the magnet as the centerpiece of a puzzle, but I see how they can be useful to build on other ideas easily. I like the combo ice-magnet though.June 07 2014 at 13:15
Jonathan Handojo ProAfter 2 hours of playing, I just noticed the path at the left of this puzzle... :PJune 06 2014 at 14:21