Puzzle Info
Wed, January 29, 2025
Played: 61
Solved: 23
Uniquely Solved: 20
Best Solution: 200 steps
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Remake of an Old puzzle with a Turn.
Top Solutions
Gold 1. 200 steps Silver 2. 204 steps Bronze 3. 227 steps 4. 234 steps 5. 241 steps 6. 243 steps 7. 252 steps 8. 254 steps 9. 259 steps 10. 260 steps
EXP Chart
200 steps Rank 1 +10 EXP204 steps Rank 2 +5 EXP227 steps Rank 3 +3 EXPAny steps First Solve +5 EXP
Latest Solutions
200 steps Jorge Gloria February 06, 2025200 steps steyrwolf February 05, 2025200 steps Vi2Sokoban February 02, 2025204 steps Vi2Sokoban February 02, 2025499 steps dynoduck February 01, 2025259 steps ade January 31, 2025327 steps jomegat January 31, 2025200 steps backhoes January 31, 2025393 steps Liviu Lalescu January 31, 2025200 steps sardinakawkaw January 31, 2025