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Lesson #A1-4
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- Played: 2,498 Solved: 584 Uniquely Solved: 298
- Best Solution: 92 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
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PGT Profinally, after a year . . . . not top score, but solved. Thanks to Mike Daas for the good advice. : DJuly 24 2024 at 18:27
Mike Daas ProTo all those in the future who will get stuck on this: be very careful about your opening moves and try to look for a way to start that is not the obvious wayNovember 28 2023 at 00:33
- @Husso: I gave up, too, after logically proving to myself that I had tried every possibility. I even started writing down each possibility to make sure I didn't miss anything. It's scary to see how easy it is for the mind to delude itself. There are many solutions. It doesn't even matter which blocks you move first. You can start with Block 1, Block 3, or Block 5, and it can all lead to a solution. Download it will show you how.March 15 2021 at 21:19
- @Husso: It took me a very long time to figure it out.
My solution can be found here: 18 2022 at 00:45
bubbobz Prowow, this is a big jump up in difficulty, this one will take some puzzling...January 27 2020 at 21:10
I can't do this one, and it's driving me mad. Would anyone give a hint/solution?December 08 2014 at 02:44