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Mass Remodel #169

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Puzzle Info

  1. Various Authors
  2. Played: 19 Solved: 5 Uniquely Solved: 3
  1. Best Solution: 1,064 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!


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EXP Chart

  • 1,064 steps
    Rank 1 +10 EXP
  • 1,126 steps
    Rank 2 +5 EXP
  • 1,158 steps
    Rank 3 +3 EXP
  • Any steps
    First Solve +5 EXP

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Puzzle Talk

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  • ACSokoban's avatar
    And more about the points - one can carefully choose very simple (small) levels ONLY, use automatic solver and optimizer, and without ANY real sokoban knowledge ( not even being able to solve the intermediate levels) still get very good ratings
  • ACSokoban's avatar
    Oh, I just realise I can take ALL the EXP points from gloria (kind of strange) - the administrator (owner) of the site should probably rethink the rules, just maybe one player one set of points (still a problem - a player can have more than just one user name). I my humble opinion making a competition out of sokoban is not very productive.
  • ACSokoban's avatar
    I was stuck with this one for a couple of hours, finally I cracked it! In the process of solving I asked player "Gloria" for the solution, which he didn't provide, now I obviously don't need it anymore :-) . I don't know, is this some kind of competition? I just like to play and share the puzzles and when somebody has trouble with solving a particular level I really don't mind sending a solution (that I know) when asked politely.