Member Profile
Rank #32
Level 189 (185,431 EXP)
- Unique: 15,353 Overall: 17,132
- Solving Puzzles: 76,655 Building Puzzles: 110 From Trophies: 108,666 (will fluctuate - Why?) Total EXP: 185,431
Built Puzzles
[Modern] mr red
GatBy: Gat61 played / 7 solved[Modern] curious
GatBy: Gat6 played / 2 solved[Modern] Bub
GatBy: Gat36 played / 16 solved[Modern] manic miner
GatBy: Gat30 played / 5 solved[Modern] Hans Gruber
GatBy: Gat31 played / 12 solved[Modern] cupcake 2
GatBy: Gat167 played / 25 solved[Modern] the more blocks the merrier
GatBy: Gat104 played / 22 solved[Modern] The Diamond Heist
GatBy: Gat22 played / 13 solved[Modern] Crystal Daze
GatBy: Gat37 played / 12 solved