Member Puzzle Records
Gat's personal puzzle records with a bronze trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Gat has earned a bronze trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] I don't know
SMRBy: SMR80 played / 50 solved[Classic] Sidelong glances
Seecret4By: Seecret463 played / 43 solved[Classic] the maze
santii1234By: santii123483 played / 69 solved[Classic] The Big L
RollPitchYawBy: RollPitchYaw56 played / 45 solved[Classic] Raichu4's Puzzle #1
Raichu4By: Raichu4104 played / 86 solved[Classic] 11 Box
PantaphobiaBy: Pantaphobia69 played / 54 solved[Classic] Obotb Classic #2
ObotbBy: Obotb129 played / 87 solved[Modern] simple but huuu i forgot the s…
nrizquaiBy: nrizquai108 played / 68 solved[Classic] LvL 5
MoRtExYBy: MoRtExY54 played / 45 solved[Modern] Easy #1-2-19
Colored BoxesBy: Micah108 played / 77 solved[Modern] Easy #1-2-14
Colored BoxesBy: Micah159 played / 121 solved[Modern] The Ancient Mural
1 - EasyBy: Micah93 played / 52 solved[Classic] Random Classic Puzzle #1
MazerunnerbillBy: Mazerunnerbill85 played / 61 solved[Classic] crate game
masaltBy: masalt52 played / 40 solved[Modern] Colorban #01
ColorbanBy: Malice179 played / 67 solved[Modern] LMG 2
LMGBy: LMG125 played / 82 solved[Classic] Geometric #1
Knpse1By: Knose174 played / 52 solved[Modern] Volleyball
KingslayerBy: Kingslayer247 played / 144 solved[Classic] eyb0ss2
JustawayBy: Justaway71 played / 54 solved[Classic] Forehead Gaming 2
June FlowerBy: June Flower97 played / 73 solved[Modern] Wild (Card) 2
jasdiheBy: jasdihe70 played / 40 solved[Classic] The Epic Win Quest: Level 1-1
jack9001By: jack9001219 played / 180 solved[Modern] EasyM3
iancs2028By: iancs2028146 played / 91 solved[Classic] B0B2
hBobBy: hBob92 played / 59 solved[Classic] gx1
genericnameBy: genericname110 played / 69 solved[Modern] Level 2
GarrisonBy: Garrison134 played / 69 solved[Classic] Big Brain
EtCtuluBy: EtCtulu119 played / 82 solved[Classic] JUSTSHOO4
ElvagBy: Elvag58 played / 46 solved[Classic] JUSTSHOO3
ElvagBy: Elvag48 played / 41 solved[Classic] 4R3N4 (ARENA)
eiimiisBy: eiimiis133 played / 111 solved