Member Puzzle Records
Gat's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Gat has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] Chilly Puzzle
lcwBy: lcw126 played / 82 solved[Classic] boot
KSstateofmindBy: KSstateofmind145 played / 121 solved[Modern] Lover fall
kowamiiBy: kowamii163 played / 118 solved[Classic] kikey
kowamiiBy: kowamii153 played / 118 solved[Classic] Geometric #2
Knpse1By: Knose1107 played / 92 solved[Modern] Teamwork
KnightGamer737By: KnightGamer737131 played / 96 solved[Modern] Mutual Attraction
KingslayerBy: Kingslayer245 played / 157 solved[Modern] Hold the Door
KingslayerBy: Kingslayer173 played / 133 solved[Modern] clownpiece sokoban
KikasuruBy: Kikasuru100 played / 85 solved[Classic] Pathetic Path 1
kenjie2012By: kenjie2012110 played / 94 solved[Classic] 3
kediemfiemBy: kediemfiem73 played / 59 solved[Classic] Kcan #1
KcanBy: Kcan87 played / 66 solved[Classic] Kbob
KbobBy: Kbob83 played / 71 solved[Classic] Diputsity
kavingfraud420By: kavingfraud42059 played / 52 solved[Classic] Confusion Option 1
kavingfraud420By: kavingfraud42064 played / 57 solved[Classic] Antidisestablishment arianism
KatnissBy: Katniss145 played / 119 solved[Modern] WU_Steps_Level5
kathepleBy: katheple113 played / 49 solved[Modern] WU_Steps_Level4
kathepleBy: katheple104 played / 44 solved[Modern] WU_Steps_Level3
kathepleBy: katheple111 played / 71 solved[Modern] WU_Steps_Level2
kathepleBy: katheple103 played / 66 solved[Modern] WU_Steps_Level1
kathepleBy: katheple91 played / 73 solved[Classic] Matthew
K2302661By: K230266164 played / 54 solved[Classic] eyb0ss
JustawayBy: Justaway102 played / 75 solved[Classic] Marisabot's funky room
June FlowerBy: June Flower190 played / 118 solved[Classic] Kronglo's Lament
June FlowerBy: June Flower91 played / 69 solved[Classic] Forehead Gaming
June FlowerBy: June Flower76 played / 55 solved[Classic] Blockma
June FlowerBy: June Flower96 played / 77 solved[Modern] Magnetic Temple
JoTarotBy: JoTarot68 played / 52 solved[Modern] Block Road
johnatolaBy: johnatola76 played / 41 solved[Modern] Joe I
Joe IIIBy: Joe III113 played / 74 solved