Member Puzzle Records
Gat's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Gat has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Classical Class
CTBMCBy: CTBMC145 played / 113 solved[Modern] Level 2 Double Trouble
crash111By: crash111129 played / 106 solved[Modern] Gated Community
cosmovibeBy: cosmovibe121 played / 89 solved[Modern] Tricky and Risky
Coralie1234By: Coralie1234142 played / 108 solved[Modern] Holes, doors, and portals.
Coralie1234By: Coralie1234150 played / 102 solved[Classic] Adam
CobiBy: Cobi207 played / 136 solved[Classic] ez
Cicada_godBy: Cicada_god152 played / 121 solved[Modern] Wakfu Pandala
chlamydialseawa…By: chlamydialseaway104 played / 89 solved[Classic] Sokoban Fundamentals (Level 4)
ChibagBy: Chibag184 played / 88 solved[Classic] Sokoban Fundamentals (Level 3)
ChibagBy: Chibag141 played / 86 solved[Classic] Sokoban Fundamentals (Level 2)
ChibagBy: Chibag111 played / 97 solved[Modern] Circle Around The Blocks
chaoscreatorBy: chaoscreator66 played / 58 solved[Classic] cc 72
chaoscreatorBy: chaoscreator80 played / 59 solved[Classic] cc 44
chaoscreatorBy: chaoscreator88 played / 76 solved[Classic] NIVEL4
chamoBy: chamo149 played / 122 solved[Classic] Fred
CeleryBy: Celery121 played / 100 solved[Classic] Verpip
CarrotManBy: CarrotMan59 played / 37 solved[Modern] Modern Verpip 1
CarrotManBy: CarrotMan77 played / 53 solved[Modern] CB 5
CaptainBrightwe…By: CaptainBrightwell111 played / 65 solved[Classic] CB 1
CaptainBrightwe…By: CaptainBrightwell99 played / 77 solved[Modern] Bridge
canhill17By: canhill17117 played / 99 solved[Classic] SsN Productions Mind-Maze
CamBy: Cam273 played / 170 solved[Classic] Little sterco
CactusClailBy: CactusClail149 played / 122 solved[Modern] Through The Ice
BuscemsBy: Buscems161 played / 114 solved[Modern] Burk #5
BurkBy: Burk136 played / 112 solved[Modern] i dont know
buddergod25By: buddergod25161 played / 121 solved[Modern] Generic Box Pushing Game [1-1]
BubsterBy: Bubster80 played / 52 solved[Classic] Just push it!
boxmaster1369By: boxmaster1369246 played / 170 solved[Modern] gogokoban
bowoBy: bowo79 played / 65 solved[Modern] 1st
boblBy: bobl70 played / 49 solved