Member Puzzle Records
Gat's personal puzzle records with a gold trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which Gat has earned a gold trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Spyrah #3
LordParoahBy: LordParoah38 played / 27 solved[Classic] Spyrah #2
LordParoahBy: LordParoah27 played / 21 solved[Modern] 1
LibobleBy: Liboble93 played / 35 solved[Modern] Lex #15
LexBy: Lex70 played / 43 solved[Classic] Whimsical Octopus
leowgBy: leowg56 played / 38 solved[Classic] Illusion of Reality
leowgBy: leowg55 played / 46 solved[Classic] Diligent Arthropod
leowgBy: leowg63 played / 45 solved[Modern] Color #10
Colors InvadeBy: Lenc113 played / 74 solved[Modern] hot garbage 2: garbage truck d…
lcwBy: lcw57 played / 27 solved[Classic] Floccinaucinihilipil ification
lcwBy: lcw108 played / 66 solved[Modern] 01100110 01110101 01101110
lcwBy: lcw79 played / 44 solved[Modern] Icy Pond
K_O_GBy: K_O_G121 played / 47 solved[Modern] Doors #3(Remake)
DoorsBy: kjs72274 played / 38 solved[Modern] Pattern 003
PatternsBy: kevincassol83 played / 54 solved[Modern] First Fright
Kevin150By: Kevin150127 played / 75 solved[Modern] start game
kenjie2012By: kenjie201294 played / 76 solved[Modern] Rail Redirect
kEIJIFBy: kEIJIF79 played / 44 solved[Modern] Magnet
kEIJIFBy: kEIJIF87 played / 62 solved[Modern] 4
kediemfiemBy: kediemfiem62 played / 21 solved[Modern] cupcake
PGTBy: PGT57 played / 37 solved[Modern] elbow room
PGTBy: PGT63 played / 34 solved[Modern] Gelo #02 medium
GelosBy: JUNEVER42 played / 27 solved[Modern] Gelo #01 easy
GelosBy: JUNEVER85 played / 38 solved[Modern] Percolator
jomegatBy: jomegat71 played / 25 solved[Modern] Omega 1
jomegatBy: jomegat92 played / 36 solved[Modern] Circling Back
jomegatBy: jomegat38 played / 31 solved[Modern] kjs722
SmartWalrusBy: SmartWalrus82 played / 59 solved[Classic] hammer time
PGTBy: PGT95 played / 53 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts II #2359
Ionic Catalysts…29 played / 24 solved[Modern] Mechanism
SmartWalrusBy: SmartWalrus67 played / 28 solved