Member Puzzle Records
kanetomoyuri's personal puzzle records with a bronze trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which kanetomoyuri has earned a bronze trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] Suitcase V #116
Suitcase V76 played / 63 solved[Modern] Room #019
The TowerBy: Jeffrey183 played / 154 solved[Classic] Recreation #915
Recreation41 played / 37 solved[Modern] corvo#1
AttanoBy: Attano68 played / 45 solved[Modern] Zeno's lyre
PGTBy: PGT82 played / 35 solved[Classic] Stage 4 - Officriser
ModPlexBy: STcial Mod plex85 played / 74 solved[Modern] GB,fkj
Omar554By: Omar55499 played / 75 solved[Classic] Aruba V #6
Aruba V112 played / 99 solved[Classic] 1 One Box Sokoban
ShulgothBy: Shulgoth108 played / 106 solved[Classic] Bugs VI #158
Bugs VI67 played / 63 solved[Classic] jojokoban
bowoBy: bowo81 played / 70 solved[Classic] SokoStart #5
SokoStart328 played / 218 solved[Modern] Floor 9
Rail TowerBy: Jonathan Handojo147 played / 112 solved[Modern] Tomb
Hanku PankuBy: Hanku Panku120 played / 81 solved[Classic] 120 Beautified
SokobanBy: bjertrup115 played / 88 solved[Modern] steeplechase
PGTBy: PGT51 played / 33 solved[Classic] Cramped 1
CrampedBy: Lorcan316132 played / 115 solved[Modern] Room #006
The TowerBy: Jeffrey213 played / 191 solved[Modern] Pen and paper puzzle #19
Pen and paper p…By: Jonathan Handojo38 played / 23 solved[Modern] Easy #1-2-7
Colored BoxesBy: Micah149 played / 103 solved[Modern] Prison Break Time Attack V 2.0
2 - AverageBy: Micah141 played / 56 solved[Modern] cadmium red
PGTBy: PGT69 played / 42 solved[Modern] Peace #10
Entertain your…By: Jonathan Handojo95 played / 64 solved[Modern] Tops #3
Entertain your…By: Jonathan Handojo166 played / 96 solved[Modern] beehive 2
PGTBy: PGT92 played / 41 solved[Modern] Number 111
UniqueBy: Jonathan Handojo96 played / 84 solved[Classic] the weird foot
modernBy: groundhogfood191 played / 158 solved[Modern] 3 7x7
7x7By: zapzap282 played / 218 solved[Modern] 12 7x7
7x7By: zapzap199 played / 160 solved[Modern] Big Labyrinth 2
Big labyrinthBy: zapzap185 played / 72 solved