Member Profile
Rank #771
Level 9 (773 EXP)
- Unique: 89 Overall: 315
- Solving Puzzles: 390 Building Puzzles: 55 From Trophies: 328 (will fluctuate - Why?) Total EXP: 773
Built Puzzles
[Modern] Double Puzzles(Portals Lol + I…
mathycattyBy: mathycatty168 played / 108 solved[Modern] Portals Lol
mathycattyBy: mathycatty151 played / 147 solved[Modern] Ice Recursion
mathycattyBy: mathycatty96 played / 68 solved[Modern] A guide to sliding on ice.
mathycattyBy: mathycatty162 played / 85 solved[Modern] The Challenges
mathycattyBy: mathycatty99 played / 65 solved[Classic] Box Compaction
mathycattyBy: mathycatty97 played / 82 solved[Modern] Box Management
mathycattyBy: mathycatty147 played / 82 solved[Modern] Separation
mathycattyBy: mathycatty87 played / 76 solved[Modern] Sliding Madness
mathycattyBy: mathycatty94 played / 80 solved