Member Puzzle Records
shushan_spr's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which shushan_spr has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] A Partridge in a Pear Tree
PGTBy: PGT85 played / 56 solved[Modern] shove heart box
EasyBy: Allpollo35 played / 16 solved[Modern] catchy01
soko7734By: soko773429 played / 17 solved[Classic] in the loop
lcwBy: lcw97 played / 57 solved[Modern] Four in Fragile
OthersBy: Adamo109 played / 37 solved[Classic] bagr4
proffotBy: proffot119 played / 94 solved[Classic] bagr3
proffotBy: proffot155 played / 128 solved[Classic] BAGR2
proffotBy: proffot152 played / 129 solved[Modern] BAGR15
proffotBy: proffot116 played / 53 solved[Modern] BAGR8
proffotBy: proffot150 played / 100 solved[Modern] BAGR17
proffotBy: proffot79 played / 52 solved[Modern] BAGR16
proffotBy: proffot114 played / 73 solved[Modern] BAGR6
proffotBy: proffot130 played / 89 solved[Modern] TOP GUN
proffotBy: proffot176 played / 60 solved[Modern] neo- level 2
beginnersBy: lumi152 played / 82 solved[Modern] vroy 357
PuzzlesBy: vroy37 played / 12 solved[Classic] 7 MEDIUM
kuruluuBy: kuruluu87 played / 34 solved[Modern] Tower of Hanoi
PGTBy: PGT89 played / 50 solved[Modern] vroy 051
PuzzlesBy: vroy43 played / 13 solved[Modern] Terapia - Contest
ContestsBy: Jorge Gloria112 played / 66 solved[Modern] pleiades star cluster
PGTBy: PGT106 played / 80 solved[Classic] Against the Wall
RookerBy: Rooker94 played / 45 solved[Modern] QWERTYUIOP (:
mrkinseyBy: mrkinsey94 played / 62 solved[Modern] Sokoban Chakra
PGTBy: PGT49 played / 36 solved[Classic] Kcan #1
KcanBy: Kcan87 played / 66 solved[Modern] Classic Korma #1 Remix
SurprisedBy: Jeffrey102 played / 36 solved[Modern] Chess Match
SurprisedBy: Jeffrey60 played / 38 solved[Modern] A49
ABy: Akainamill73 played / 35 solved[Modern] A48
ABy: Akainamill102 played / 69 solved[Modern] A39
ABy: Akainamill72 played / 37 solved